Its that special time of year in a mere 6 days. We have a HUGE selection of roses from classic red, pretty pink,cheerful yellow/orange, and soft lavender. Roses not their thing? Not to worry we have you covered, Gerberas, Lilies, hydrangeas, orchids, Lisianthus, and much much more.
If you're buying for a plant lover, we have some amazing and rare Orchids plants ( Cymbidium, Brassia, Ontoglossum, and Oncidiums). We also carry a wide selection of Bonsai, Succulents, and other tropicals ( both classic as well as rarer specimens).
Whatever you're looking for we can help, just send us a message or give us a call!
If you're buying for a plant lover, we have some amazing and rare Orchids plants ( Cymbidium, Brassia, Ontoglossum, and Oncidiums). We also carry a wide selection of Bonsai, Succulents, and other tropicals ( both classic as well as rarer specimens).
Whatever you're looking for we can help, just send us a message or give us a call!